240 research outputs found

    Web-based Cooperative Learning, Learning Styles, And Student's Learning Outcomes

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    This study was aimed to examine the effect of the instructional learning strategy (webbased STAD-type cooperative and text-based STAD-type cooperative learning strategies) and learning styles towards student learning achievement. This quasi-experimental study used a non-equivalent control group version of the factorial design. The subjects were the first-semester undergraduate students of Information Systems at STIKOM Surabaya. Sixty-nine (69) students were involved, 34 of whom were the subjects of the experimental group and 35 were the subjects of the control group. The collected data were statistically analyzed by using the two-way analysis of variance technique (ANOVA) with the significance level of 0.05. The findings of this research indicate that there was a significant difference in learning achievement, for the General Management course, between groups of students taught with the web-based STAD-type cooperative learning strategies and those taught with the text-based STAD-type cooperative learning strategies. Based on the findings, the researcher suggests lecturers to implement the STAD-type cooperative learning strategies, and use the web-based and text-based strategies simultaneously (complementarily) in the form of blended learning

    Studi Pola Sebaran dan Kedalaman Polusi Air Tanah Berdasarkan Nilai Resistivitas Disekitar Saluran Pembuangan Air Limbah Industri Rancaekek Kabupaten Bandung

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    Pencitraan bawah permukaan di sekitar saluran pembuangan limbah industri Rancaekek telah dilakukan menggunakan metode resistivitas 2D dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger dan Wenner. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga pola sebaran dan kedalaman air tanah yang sudah tercemar. Pengukuran dilakukan pada tiga lintasan yang dekat saluran pembuangan, dan satu lintasan yang jauh dari saluran. Untuk mengetahui kandungan magnetik air limbah, dilakukan kajian kemagnetan batuan melalui pengukuran suseptibilitas magnet sampel endapan sedimen sungai. Sampel diambil dari endapan sedimen saluran pembuangan. Data hasil pengukuran metode resistivitas selanjutnya diolah menggunakan program Res2DInv untuk menghasilkan penampang resistivitas. Interpretasi terhadap penampang resisitivitas tersebut menunjukkan bahwa struktur perlapisan batuan daerah penelitian terdiri atas lapisan penutup, lapisan kedap air, dan lapisan akuifer. Keberadaan air tanah tercemar diindikasikan oleh lapisan konduktif dengan resistivitas kurang dari 8 ohm.meter. Pada daerah yang dekat dengan saluran, penyebarannya diduga merata ke seluruh lapisan air tanah permukaan hingga kedalaman lapisan kedap. Sedangkan pada daerah yang jauh dari saluran penyebarannya tidak terlalu merata, melainkan setempat-setempat dan tidak terlalu dalam. Pencitraan resistivitas dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger berhasil melokalisir zona rembesan air tanah dangkal yang tercemar. Zona rembesan banyak dijumpai pada daerah dekat saluran pembuangan, sehingga diduga pencemaran air tanah sudah menembus lapisan akuifer tengah (kedalaman 30 - 60 meter). Pada daerah yang jauh dari saluran tidak ditemukan adanya zona rembesan. Suseptibilitas magnetik dalam endapan sedimen menunjukkan variasi yang signifikan dari satu lokasi ke lokasi yang lain, namun belum dapat memberikan gambaran tentang kondisi dan tingkat pencemarannya

    Influence of Web Based Cooperative Learning Strategy and Achiever Motivation on Student Study Outcome

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    The research aimed at examining the effect of instructional strategy (web-based STAD and text-based STAD) and achiever motivation toward student learning outcomes. The research implied quasi-experimental design with nonequivalen control group factorial version. The subjects were undergraduated students of Information Systems of academic year 2014/2015 at STIKOM Surabaya. Two groups were involved in the investigation with which amounts to 67 students, comprised of 34 students for the experimental class and 33 students for grade control. The collected data were statistically processed using analysis of variance techniques (ANOVA) two paths using a significance level of 0,05. The results of this research indicate that there is a difference in outcome study of Organization Behavior courses is significant between groups of students who studied with a web-based STAD type cooperative instrutional strategies and textual STAD type cooperative strategies. Based on the findings of this research, researchers suggest implementing STAD tipe cooperative of instructional strategy, with simultaneously (complementary) between the web-based and text-based in the form of blended learning


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    University graduates in the Society 5.0 era need more skills than ever before; thus, a new learning model is needed. To respond this situation, we created a learning model that equips students to think critically, creatively, and independently through Advanced Mathematics courses using hybrid learning. This study aims to produce a model that can meet the needs of Moodle-based hybrid learning. Through research and development (R&D), we developed a learning model through the “Brillian” application. The Critical Creative Hybrid Independent Learning (C-CHIL) model test was conducted regarding (1) quality which includes the content and constructs of the model, and (2) feasibility. The test results of the C-CHIL model show that (1) Content validity test resulted an average of 3.73 which means the model is very valid. (2) The average feasibility test is 3.63, which means it is also very valid. Thus, it can be concluded that the C-CHIL model meets the valid requirements (content and construct) and is suitable for students based on expert opinion. The results of this study imply that the C-CHIL model can be used to improve critical, creative, and independent thinking skills, especially in Advanced Mathematics courses in Higher Educatio

    Association between monocyte-high density lipoprotein ratio (MHR) and severity level of lower extremity artery disease (LEAD)

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    The incidence of lower extremity artery disease (LEAD) has increased worldwide in the last decade. Its severity has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Atherosclerosis is believed as the main cause of LEAD. Monocytes and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are the hallmarks of atherosclerosis. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) plays a role in suppressing the activation of monocytes. The monocyte to HDL ratio (MHR) has been reported as a marker of coronary artery disease complexity. However, this marker has not been investigated to assessthe LEAD severity. The study aimed to investigate the association between MHR and LEAD severity. This was an analytic observational study using a cross-sectional design. Patients were selected from the Vascular Disease Registry in Dr.Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta from January 2016 – January 2019. The blood sample was drawn at one day prior, on the day, or one day after duplex ultrasound performed. The duplex ultrasound was then interpreted based on the duplex ultrasound score. Patients were classified into two groups according to the score i.e. severe (score ≥ 8) and nonsevere (score< 8). Where as, the MHR was classified into two groups according to the cut-off point i.e. high (≥ 14.51) and low (< 14.51). The Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis and pvalue <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. A total of 50 patients were involved in this study. There were 21 (42%) patients in the severe group and 29 (58%) in the nonsevere group. The proportion of the high MHR group and the low MHR group with severe levels of LEAD were 12 (57.1%) and 9 (42.9%), respectively. However, it was not statistically significant [p = 0.145; CI95% PR 1.57 (0.81 – 3.03)]. In conclusion, there is no association between MHR and LEAD severity.

    Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran Berbasis Web

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    Pembelajaran pengembangan model, digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas belajar terutama diharapkan agar siswa lebih menguasai sasaran. Memilih model pembelajaran tidak hanya bergantung pada model baru, tetapi juga disesuaikan dengan tujuan model pembelajaran yang perlu dicapai dan karakteristik daerah studi. Penentuan peruntukan ini memerlukan model pembalajaran yang sesuai dengan menebatkan materi kepada siswa, yang dapat menarik siswa ke siswa, sehingga memberikan menigkatnya aktifitas belajar. Dukungan dari Teknologi Informasi, dengan menerapkan informasi teknologi dapat menyebabkan siswa belajar dengan sangat nyaman, sehingga kegiatam belajar akan menyenangkan siswa

    Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Cooperatif Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh strategi pembelajaran cooperatif learning terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian kuasi eksperimen ini menggunakan desain faktorial versi nonequivalen control group design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi Sistem Informasi berjumlah 69 mahasiswa, terdiri dari 34 mahasiswa untuk kelas eksperimen dan 35 mahasiswa untuk kelas kontrol. Data yang terkumpul diolah secara statistik dengan menggunakan teknik analisis varian (ANAVA) dengan menggunakan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar mata kuliah Manajemen Umum yang signifikan antara kelompok mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan strategi kooperatif tipe STAD berbasis web dan strategi kooperatif tipe STAD berbasis teks. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian ini disarankan untuk menerapkan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dan menggunakannya secara bersamaan (saling melengkapi) antara yang berbasis web dengan yang berbasis teks dalam bentuk blended learning

    Sistem Informasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Web dengan Metode Cooperative Learning

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    Dikembangkannya berbagai model pembelajaran, dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran terutama adalah peningkatan perolehan belajar bagi mahasiswa. Pemilihan model pembelajaran tidak hanya karena kekinian dari model pembelajaran tersebut, tetapi karena kesesuaiannya dengan tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai dan karakteristik bidang studi. Penentuan kesesuaian ini memerlukan kajian khusus dari dosen sebelum menentukan model pembelajaran. Dosen yang dapat menentukan model pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan pengelolaan sistem penyebaran bahan ajar yang menarik akan meningkatkan aktivitas pembelajaran. Kehadiran teknologi informasi menjadi alternatif dalam penerapan model pembelajaran sehingga belajar menjadi sesuatu yang menyenangkan bagi mahasiswa. Dengan demikian aktivitas belajar menjadi aktivitas yang dirindukan oleh setiap mahasiswa

    The effect of quality control system on audit quality: Professional skepticism as the moderator variable

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    The objective of this research id to assess the effect of Quality Control System elements. i.e. relevant ethical terms and independency, on audit quality and to identify the moderating role of professional skepticism on the effect of quality control system on audit quality. The population of this research auditor working in Indonesian Big Ten public accounting firms, from which 252 auditors were selected as the sample. Using PLS-based SEM in SmartPLS, this study finds that relevant ethical terms and independency affect audit quality and that professional skepticism moderates the effect of independence on audit quality, but it does not moderate the effect of relevant ethical terms on audit quality

    High Apo B/Apo A-1 Serum Ratio As a Predictor of in-Hospital Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients

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    Background: An increased level of apo B and decreased level of apo A-1 are thought to be better predictors of myocardial infarction than conventional lipid parameters in healthy individuals and/ or have coronary artery disease risk factors. Literatures said that HDL, LDL and apolipoprotein may have a role in haemostatic and thrombotic process. The present study aimed to investigate whether apo B/ apo A-1 ratio has a predictive role in hospitalised ACS patients to develop major adverse cardiac events (MACE). Methods: We performed a prospective cohort study and examined 182 ACS patients hospitalised in dr. Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta consecutively since September 2013, and evaluated ischaemia heart disease risk factors, measured concentration of apo B/apo A-1 ratio and conventional lipid parameters from plasma, and finally assessed the in-hospital MACE outcome. Apo B/Apo A-1 ratio cut off point in this study was taken from ROC curve analysis. Relation between in-hospital MACE with level of apo B/apo A-1 ratio was analysed using SPSS. Results: From 182 ACS subjects, 51 patients had MACE (MACE group) and 131 patients didn’t develop MACE (non-MACE group). From ROC curve, we set cut off point for apo B/apo A-1 ratio was 0,865. Subjects with an apo B/apo A-1 ratio ≥0,865 had a signifi cantly increased risk to suffer a cardiovascular event (MACE) during in-hospital follow-up. In a multiple logistic regression model, elevated apo B/apo A-1 ratio was an independent predictor for MACE during in-hospital follow-up (OR 3,17; 95%CI 1,299 - 7,738; p = 0,011). Conclusion: The results showed that the elevated apo B/apo A-1 ratio ≥0,865 was an independent predictor of MACE, with three-folds increase of risk compared to group of apo B/apo A-1 ratio < 0.865, during in-hospital follow-up in ACS patients.Keywords: apolipoprotein B; apolipoprotein A-1; apolipoprotein ratio; acute coronary syndrome; major adverse cardiovascular event
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